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Nurse Leadership Through              Multi-Generational Differences

Nurse Leadership Through              Multi-Generational Differences

Research has shown that today’s nursing workforce comprises staff from three different generations. With each generation comes a multitude of differences in relation to attitudes, ideologies, beliefs, financial responsibilities and work habits. In order to effectively work together as a team, nurse leaders will need to be able to understand the generations and individuals that they are working with. You woke up with a burning sore throat, and your mom says you need to go have it checked.

But before the doctor even makes you say aaahhh, there's probably someone else you'll see first: the nurse.

Nurses are important people. Not only are they often the first health care professional that a sick or injured person sees, but they do their job in all kinds of settings — from local hospitals to faraway military bases.

Some even work in the sky or at sea, helping to transport sick people on planes or caring for passengers on ships. In fact, anywhere in the world you can find someone who needs health care, you can probably find a nurse.

Where Do Nurses Work?

Where are you most likely to meet a nurse?

At your doctor's office. Nurses in medical offices typically assist the doctor by asking you about your symptoms, taking your temperature and blood pressure, checking your weight, giving shots, and collecting blood or urine samples for lab tests.

Doctor's office nurses can teach patients about their medical problems and how to take care of themselves.

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